Cos'è inverso the peripheral?

"The Periférico" is a phrase commonly used to refer to the Anillo Periférico, which is a major highway system in Mexico City. It is also known as the Periférico de la Ciudad de México or the Mexico City Beltway.

The Periférico is a ring road that surrounds Mexico City, covering a total distance of approximately 214 kilometers (133 miles). It is a vital transportation artery that connects various parts of the capital city and facilitates the movement of people and goods.

The highway carries a significant amount of traffic, making it one of the busiest roads in the country. It is composed of multiple lanes, with certain sections having up to 12 lanes in total. The Periférico is crucial for commuting and transportation, as it provides access to different neighborhoods, districts, and highways within and near Mexico City.

Due to its high traffic volume, the Periférico is notorious for congestion and traffic jams, especially during rush hours. However, it also offers various entry and exit points, connecting drivers to major roads, highways, and destinations.

Overall, the Periférico plays a key role in the transportation infrastructure of Mexico City, serving as a crucial link between different areas in the city and beyond.